
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Another Baby Day

I don’t have children of my own…we tried, it didn’t work out, adoption was too costly and I wasn’t interested in putting myself through painful procedures…but I have lots of friends with babies, students to borrow, and my niece and nephews whenever I need a kid fix…and the nice thing is I get to give them back and not pay for their college education….

A couple weeks ago, I was wishing to spend some time with babies and lately I have gotten my wish in abundance!  Today was the latest…

It was his birthday
DSC04480 That’s my friend K, with her 1 year old K…He loved the turtle I got him…it’s one of those big Pillow Pets.  I also gave him these:
DSC04406 Hopefully they will fit…we think so, but he’s got some chubby feet!

I also got to play with this handsome 6 month old
DSC04467 Whose name rhymes with K’s, but starts with a J!

And this little cutie, who is 8 months old
DSC04474 She is here with the birthday boy…their moms are best friends and there is some scheming going on for the future of these two!!!!

It was a great day, full of lots of little ones (many more besides these three, but I had permission to post their pictures) cake and ice cream.  What more could you ask for???

1 comment:

  1. Your students, nephews and nieces are very lucky to have you. I haven't had kids of my own either, but have inherited three so I know how precious they feel when they're someone elses. Hope you enjoy the summer hols. Belinda
