
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hi Ya’ Folks!

Well I lost one follower and gained two, so welcome!  And please if you have not left a comment, stop by and say HI!  I will visit your blog/site, if you do…or eventually, sometimes I’m a little slow, but will get there!  It’s just I have that neat little gadget on the side that tells me where people are visiting from, but I don’t hear from you all….
It’s been several days…I just didn’t feel like I had anything to say…and it was hot, and the room with the computer does not have a/c….It can be sweltering in here!  And I’ve been busy doing end of the year stuff for school…
So here’s an update!
Yesterday last field trip of the year, I came home with this:
DSC04389 and this little fella’ landed on my hat and stayed for about 40 minutes!
DSC04379 We were at High Meadow.  It was a fun, relaxing day.  The teachers really just got to sit back and enjoy visiting and hanging out…the kids did a ton of activities and just enjoyed being kids for the day….
Latest Finished Objects!
DSC04352 My one skein cowl…it’s an improvised pattern, but I’m thinking of writing it up…it would be my first written pattern….The yarn is from Good Karma Farm in Mamma Mia.  I bought it at the Rhode Island Wool and Fiber event.  It was great yarn, nice and squishy and dreamy to work with!  I actually made this for a contest…you can read about it here.  My cowl is in their next post, here.
DSC04354 Baby hat for a lady at work…I’m going to make another one, much smaller in cotton.  She is due in July.
DSC04353 much smaller baby hats for the Giving Geek challenge in Nerd Wars…I’m going to try to make a few more before sending them out…
I’ve also been busy with Nerd Wars on Ravelry!…These are some yucky shots, as it is raining here today….
DSC04391 The Stargate…I went with the darker yarn….
DSC04390 The start of my monkey head for another project….
I also swatched The Dipped Infinity Scarf which is my dissertation for Nerd Wars.  I’ve ripped out the swatch, as I bought the pattern as a kit and unsure if I have extra yardage, but here is the swatch before I frogged it:
Plus I finished one class correcting, I have one more class to finish and I have to do my grades this weekend….
So that is what I’ve been up to this past week….how about you?


  1. Hi nice burn there LOL wish we had sun to even attempt that LOL. Love all of your knitting.
    Have a great weekend

  2. OUCH! I hate sunburn--as a redhead I've had WAY too many painful sunburns in my life.

    Sounds like you're down to the wire with school, almost time for summer vacation yay! My kids go till June 22nd this year, I bet the teachers are going crazy.

  3. Nasty wee burn there; too cold here to get burned as we're in winter now. Busy knitting mittens for the children and shawls for myself at the moment. Need to blog again myself too!

  4. Sunburn=OUCH!
    Big insect=AAAAIEEEE!
    Crochet cowl=absolutely gorgeous!

  5. I'd love it if you put the pattern for the cowl up. I've been thinking of making one as it's getting very cold down here in the Southern Hemisphere. I love the colour of yours! Belinda

  6. 40 minutes! It wouldn't have lasted 5 seconds- can insects hear a human scream? I love nature, just not the insecty part.

  7. I'm doing Nerd Wars too!
    Also, don't fret too much. I think I'm the follower you "lost". When I moved from Blogger to Wordpress I deleted my Blogger read list since the blog is no longer in use. I've added you to my "Subscriptions" over in WP. So, I'm still here and I still read and comment. I just don't know if I appear as a "follower" any more.

  8.'t you warn your children to put on sunscreen.....!? just sayin'......!! haha--enjoy the week ahead-rain expected here!! oh well--inside chores!!
