
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Today, I

Spent the day here

DSC04408 (this is literally the backyard of a friend’s beach cottage!)

with lots of these






Good friends and little kids…..

DSC04419 Footsies with a 3 year old..

I collected some of these

DSC04410 would you like some shells from a Connecticut shore?  Post a comment by the end of June 23 and I’ll randomly select someone to receive some shells I picked up on the beach today…

What’s your favorite way to spend a summer day?

It was a good day….four more school days until I am officially on summer break, but man it felt like it today!


  1. Collecting shells is so much fun! Whenever we go to a beach (and I live in Florida so we've got a nice collection), we pick up shells and then we go through and only keep the really neat ones as mementos of our day. It would be fun to see the differences between a FL shell and a CT shell.

    My favorite way to spend a summer day is actually being snuggled up with the kids, beating the sweltering heat with a good movie under a tent in a the living room.

  2. I like to listen to the neighborhood sounds as they pass by and carry over through backyards and distant streets. People walking their dogs and talking, camaraderie of children, lawnmowing, the icecream truck's monotonous jingle, birds in the early morning singing their hearts out, and the humming of the ceiling fan or a/c. It's all good.

    What kind of shells are prevalent in CT? It'd be great to have one.

  3. That looks like you had a fun day! We've only just said good-bye to warm days here, but I'm rather thankful. I prefer the cold. A trip to the beach is always a very relaxing and happy event though, and I'm lucky enough to be able to visit it all year round.

    Looking forward to reading more of your crafty endeavours!

  4. Oh, that looks like you had such a lovely day :-) I bet everyone slept well that night ! :-)

  5. Great day at the beach by the looks of it! We have so many shells and bits of rock we have collected I am sue we would get many more mile to the gallon if we ditched a few!
