
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WIP Wednesday and Yarn Along

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Today I’m actually going to post to both…and on an actual Wednesday!

DSC04494 I am on the third book of the series…I took a few days off, as I had done the naughty and skimmed the book to the end and really didn’t like what I read, so I was putting it off…

I also pulled the Crazy Aunt Purl book, as I think I need to read something a little lighter at times….the Martin series is very heavy and dark…

I am working on my Knitmore Vanilla sock and also “A Breath of Fresh Air” scarf..from the Loopy Ewe monthly kit……the big striped thing in the back is what I am crocheting at the moment.  It is my mindless project.  I bought a bunch of Patons SWS Soy on sale a long time ago….I am just crocheting it up and hope to felt it to make a project bag…….


  1. George R R Martin is very mean to his characters. You have to resign yourself to see very bad things happen to characters your like in order to read his books. I got over it pretty quick, but if he ever kills off Dany I might not be able to read anymore.

  2. I'm partial to Arya and I'm hoping they survive...

  3. Socks on next on my to do list, too. Love the yarn!

    Stopping in from Yarn Along. My link is:

  4. I love your pics of everything together! I have a bunch of socks on the needles, but my shawlette pulled me away. Back to them I go!

  5. I do that with some of the Song of Fire and Ice books too. With A Game of Thrones I flipped to the end, saw what happened to a certain character (which I knew was going to happen because I had spoiled myself by reading about the books on wikipedia first) and promptly put the book down and didn't pick it up until the TV show was almost done for the season :P
