
Friday, July 22, 2011

FO Friday

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Nerd Wars projects…that’s it…a cowl for Osiris, a dagger for Ba’al, a raven from “Spirits,” and a tool belt for Kaylee..

It’s a bazillion degrees here and my computer is in an unairconditioned room, which is why I have NOT been posting…..(I don’t use my netbook to post, but my desktop, since all my pictures are on it.)

I went to Webs yesterday and the day before I did a mini-yarn crawl of some western NY shops…pretty, pretty yarn pictures later….I have to go do some running around, which is good, as the car is air conditioned…


  1. That dagger is awesome and I adore Kaylee's tool belt - so cool. Excellent nerd projects ;)

  2. Yeah it's stupid hot here too. I can totally relate. You're very brave putting on the scarf even just for a second.

  3. Love the cowl, what does one do with a pretty tool belt? I like having my own tools, so am wondering if it's a decoration or you really use it? Happy a.c. to you on your travels.

  4. That dagger is amazing!!! My favorite project of FO Friday this week so far!
