
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sock Challenge Failure

DSC00266 This is where I was at the deadline…my hand is absolutely KILLING me!!!

DSC00262 This is what the bed looked like yesterday, as I had all my resources out to help me figure out stitches and what the hell the pattern was telling me to do….

DSC00261 This is where it was when I started this morning…

DSC00268 This is where I knit/crochet (Nerd Wars shirt representing!) and one of my breaks after my shower, as the Hubs told me I stank yesterday!!! Winking smile No shower yesterday while I knitted away..

Did I finish?  Hell no!  But it was fun to play along and now I have 2 sets of socks almost done! Well technically 3 sets, but not sure I’ll ever work on that first pair again….Tomorrow I need to get out of the house!!!


  1. You made damn good progress! I remember the pain of trying to finish a sock really fast, my hands hurt so much I couldn't knit for a couple of days!

  2. The sock looks great! Fabulous progress! I wish I could knit as quickly.

    I can't wait to participate in Nerd Wars next Tournament! (On a team I mean. I can be a Ninja Warrior right now.)

  3. Ah yes. I think we've all been there a few times. For me, it's usually right before Christmas. I know your suffering!
