
Friday, July 15, 2011


Julie of Twisted Strands won the magazine. 

I have slept the majority of the day.  The movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was very good and well worth it.  But I did not get home until 3:30 am.  The movie started late, technical difficulties.

Then I slept for a couple hours and woke to find out my younger brother had been admitted to the hospital.  It’s all good now and he is home, but he has had some issues with his heart.  There is heart disease on both sides of his family, so he needs to take care…

He is my younger half brother (12 years) and we have been in and out of contact, but I am trying to reestablish a more permanent relationship with him.  None of us, on this side, have done the right thing by him….plus I get the bonus of getting to know my two nephews A and E and a brand new niece, S….Plus his wife would like to learn how to knit….now I can teach her to crochet, but just learning the knitting myself…It’s funny, cuz J (the brother) and I have more interests in common than my other brother…

Then I came home from the hospital and went back to sleep for several hours.  And I’m ready to go back to bed….The Hubs came in and asked me when I’d be “back.”  I told him tomorrow…I don’t function well with lack of sleep…..

DSC00117 These are Phoenix (the redhead) and Stellaluna, my friend’s new puppy…Here she is draining her water dish, she just laid down and finished the entire bowl of water…

DSC00114 I’d never seen that before…


  1. Did you like the movie? That must have been a doozie of a technical difficulty. We went to a 12:30 showing and were out by about 2:45. I love the pups :-)

  2. Thank you, I'm excited I won! I bet the crowd was VERY restless during the "technical difficulties", yikes I wouldn't have wanted to be the poor technician trying to get the movie going. My dd got home about 3 am and was amazingly chipper yesterday on only 4 hours of sleep. Really surprised me, I was expecting surly from her all day.

    Glad to know your brother is doing better too.
