
Friday, August 12, 2011

Following Gandhi's Advice

Gandhi was quoted as saying, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I actually have this on a plaque in my room. It is on the way out, so the students read it as they are leaving…and this man has embraced this....

what a powerful message to send…


That a father who has just lost his son can plead for calm and simply just asking people to "calm down and go home."

I have to credit Russell Brand, because I had no idea who Tariq Jahan was until I read his article....which was highlighted by Karie on her blog Fourth Edition.  I don't know why I read it, as I have always just thought of him as the dirty looking guy who is in stupid movies and married to Katie Perry...


  1. I read his piece too -- I thought it was a brilliant analysis. Wish we had some of that here. :)

  2. I really enjoy Russell Brand's writing and his article was a great think-piece.
