
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stash Updating

Ravelry has a great feature, you can store pictures and information about your stash.  Then when you are thinking about a project, you can check your stash and see if you have yarn for that project.  That is what it should be used for….what do I use it for?  It’s a pretty picture gallery for me….I hardly ever check it when I’m thinking of starting a project.

I have 1059 yarns stashed on Ravelry and I still have more to update….Yarn has become my drug of choice….I have got to start using some of it up.  Although the Hubs kindly refers to it as my “Retirement Plan.”  So when I retire and don’t have extra money to buy the yarn, I’ll have lots….but there will be more beautiful yarn out there….Actually Ravelry started me down this dark, dark road….I happened into the “Completely Pointless and Arbitrary Swap” group and I was lost…..they hooked me with all this talk of beautiful and hard to get yarns and I had the “wants.”  I don’t visit there much anymore, because I am now enjoying my own discovery of new and exciting yarns….so shall we have some YARN P*RN?????

The newest, luxurious discovery is Shalimar…it’s pricey, but “OH MY GOODNESS!” Merino, cashmere and silk….I walked around with it a bit at Webs and then put it back when I decided I wasn’t shopping for me….then the Hubs bought it for the birthday!

DSC00303 Loden and then I purchased

DSC00429 Byzantion

Lorna’s Laces has fast become a favorite, especially the worsted Sheperd..oh how I love thee….

DSC00304 Black Purl (another one I walked around holding and got as a birthday gift

DSC00233 Vera, I did buy that one because it was on closeout…nom, nom, nom

I placed an order at Eat, Sit, Knit, as I needed a white sparkly yarn, so I got some Dreams in Color Starry (it’s to finish a Nerd Wars project)


and to get my 1 mile marker, I also ordered some Lorna’s Laces Sheperd Sock in Wendy Knits Sunrise (it was on sale)


I also walked around that day with some Juniper Moon Farm Chadwick, squishing it in my hands…and yes it also was a birthday gift


I absolutely fell in love with this Colinette, when I saw it in the store…of course it had to come home with me…


(The Hubs just glanced at me surrounded with yarn and commented, “Some people have pets!”)

So that is it for today….I hope you enjoyed it…


  1. Lovely! Lornas is a favorite of mine as well - and I have a skein of Starry in a chocolate brown that is waiting for just the right project. Stashin is fun!!

  2. I discovered Shalimar in Frederick, MA this past spring at Eleganza Yarns. Sadly, Eleganza Yarns is closing...because the owners of the shop are the ones that own Shalimar so they're going to focus on that.

    I fell in love with it :)

  3. From one yarnaholic to another, those are very pretty yarns!
