
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tropical Storm Irene

was kind of a bust for us….since it was downgraded to a tropical storm before it reached us.  We also live on a hill, so our basement flooded (it always does with lots of rain) but we are not flooded.  Some parts of my town were evacuated because of flooding…

We had a thunderstorm about midnight last night and lots of torrential rain, but not a ton of wind. 

I guess it shifted more to the west of us.  My inlaws may get some more damage…

The shore got hit pretty good….and the record was broken for power outages.  Luckily, we did not lose power…..

Ya’ know, I’m 0-3 on natural disasters this past year!  Wasn’t home when the tornado struck last summer (on my street!), felt the earthquake, but was watching a dvd, so didn’t know what it was until 30 minutes or so later when I checked Facebook, and now Hurricane Irene was a bit of a bust…..damn…

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