
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Where I Blog

I haven’t really crocheted or knitted since Christopher’s death…I worked a bit on something and started a new pair of gloves, but that is about it…so I thought I’d show you the down and dirty of my blogging area…
I chose to use my desktop for blogging.  I do have a netbook, but it doesn’t have a lot of power, so I only blog on it when away…
Welcome to my blogging area….
Above to the left..
A small portion of my Wizard of Oz collection.  The Barbie is one of the more expensive ones. not the cheaper versions.  I also have 2 lunch boxes.  The box is acyually for a Ruby Slipper that my watch came in, but the shoe is at school. Except for the Barbie, all of these were gifts.
A small portion of my Wizard of Oz collection.  All were gifts, except the Barbie.  It is one of the more collectable ones and not one of the mass produced ones.  I wanted the whole collection, but only managed to get Dorothy.
Above and to the right:
This is the top shelf of the bookcase that is next to the computer.  The bookcase is filled with teacher resources and one shelf of crochet books/patterns.  The doll was brought back from Vietnam by my father in 1971.  I just started collecting sheep.  Behind the sheep are more Wiz of Oz figurines.  The other lunch box, which I have used.  The wiz of Oz board game, and tucked in front is a piece of art I won from a blog.  I don;t have a spot for it yet.
This is the top shelf of the bookcase that is next to the computer.  The bookcase is filled with teacher resources and one shelf of crochet books/patterns.  The doll was brought back from Vietnam by my father in 1971.  I just started collecting sheep.  Behind the sheep are more Wiz of Oz figurines.  The other lunch box, which I have used.  The Wiz of Oz board game, and tucked in front is a piece of art I won from a blog.  I don’t have a spot for it yet.
Right above the computer…a mishmash of things…pictures of babies in things that I made them, cards, business cards, family pics, two flash drives.  The potholder a student made me as a gift (I made her a blanket – she was battling cancer, is in remission now, but lost an arm)
And the computer area…keyboard really needs to be dusted….I did not clean or remove anything from these pictures….I pick up the area around my computer every other week or so, but more things get put there….The Debbie Bliss has been there since last weekend.  I was looking for some other yarn and found it.  It was by itself, so I pulled it out to put it with the other Debbie Bliss, but haven’t got to that yet…

So do have clutter around your blogging space too, or is it neat and pristine?…..Why don’t you share…hey maybe I’ll start a linky thing!

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