
Sunday, October 9, 2011


Today I went to watch my friend’s son at his first Feis.

Aiden at the feis…I think it is reel…

I’ve been to many of these over the years.  These are smaller, local ones.  I also once attended the Nationals in San Diego.

He won third place


I love that their whole family comes out to support him….the older two also danced.  Ethan stopped in his early teens, but Caitlin is still dancing

220118_1951764150188_1125169270_32278072_7948446_o This is from the Orireachtas last year.

DSC00830 Today she helped Aiden and was there to watch him.  So she chose not to dance today…to support Aiden.

DSC00834 He was very nervous…

DSC00837 Then we watched some of the advanced competition.  Greg is checking Aiden’s blood sugar level.  Both of my friend’s sons have Type 1 Diabetes…the older son is in the baseball hat on the other side of Greg…

I enjoy going, but in all honesty, can’t really tell whose good and whose bad (unless it’s a glaring mistake) and all the music sounds the same to me…

1 comment:

  1. I miss going with you to watch these. How old is Caitlin now? I remember watching her when she was probably around Aiden's age or a little older. Actyally I think both the Older kids danced that day. The music sounds the same but I still love to listen to it. Sometimes I think I was born into the wrong nationality because I like Irish and Italian things but not big on French things.
