
Sunday, October 30, 2011

We Have a Delay

So in 20+ years of living here, we have lost power (28 hours and counting)....I am on my netbook, which is rapidly losing power...over 80% of our town is without power, over 800,000 people in our state...

The Hubs coming home in whiteout conditions said that this snowstorm beats Hurricane Irene's A$$!!! He didn't recognize roads he grew up driving on...

So blogiversary prize will be chosen once I get up and running again...and yes I have pictures of the storm I will share....


  1. How do you operate on no power for 28 hours? I mean, we lose power here once in awhile but it's only for a couple of hours, at most, and never more than 2 hours in the winter. Then again, maybe we're better prepared for the winter storms around here in Wisconsin? I don't know.

    I hope things improve rapidly. I can't stand not having power!

  2. You poor things :-( By this stage your laptop will be on the blink and gasping for juice, so I'm sending warm thoughts your way. Fingers crossed, you'll be back (online and with electricity) soon.
