
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Feeling Special?

So yesterday I received this in the mail…
I won a skein of yarn from Moose Manor Hand Paints.  But what’s so neat about it is that it is a colorway for me….I told her what I liked and this is my colorway!  It even says so on the back..”Custom Colorway for T.”  What’s also neat is she will be the new main dyer for Tsarina Tsocks
It’s also got a bit of sparkle to it, with a bit of metallic running through…
I love it!  First thing I said upon opening it was, “I likey!”
The day before I received my last shipment for “Who’s Your Doctor” from Nerd Girl Yarns.  I missed signups for the next round…Sad smile
It is “Screwdriver, a Sonic One and Other Stuff.”  It’s also mainly green, the best color evah!
Although I have tried yarn diets before…I am going to try and not buy until the CT Sheep and Wool in April, EXCEPT for the online clubs I belong to….I figure I really need to create from the stash, as it is slowly eating up the real estate in my apartment and my apartment is small…..AND I’ve been on a finish the WIP kick and have finished up several projects this month…yeah me!

1 comment:

  1. Visiting from New England Blogger ~ I do some knitting but am mostly into painting and photography ~ Love the toys, yarn, paint, pastels, ~ Fun! ~ Hope you will come visit ~ Share the Creative Journey(artmusdogs) and A Creative Harbor (just listed that one ~ don't think it is up yet ~ Have fun knitting ~ namaste, Carol ^_^ from MA
