
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WIP Wednesday and Yarn Along

These two projects will possibly be FO's by Friday.  The blue afghan is for the Hubs and I'm so glad it is almost done...I am bordering it at the moment.  The Infinity Scarf has been featured here several times....I have 1.5 colors left to again almost done...

I finished Sheepish and On A Highland Shore.  Loved Sheepish, really want to get her first book:  Hit By A Farm.....On A Highland Shore was also very good and I would like to read the next book, not sure if it is a series or just a sequel....

The House at Riverton by Kate Morton has been on my bookshelf for awhile.  I read her The Lost Garden.  It was one of the best books I read last year and I immediately went out and bought this book...then I got caught up the George RR Martin frenzy and put all other books aside....Although I have not finished the last Martin book, I figure there is no'll be years before the next is onto other authors...and I saw another of her books the other day and almost purchased it, but figured I should read this one first...

As always head on over to Tami's Ami's for more WIP's, again I cannot link to the Yarn Over meme, but it is in my previous Wednesday posts...


  1. LOVE the colors in the infinity scarf. Nice and low soothing.

  2. I agree! The infinity scarf colors are great.

  3. Very nice :D The colors looks great together.
