
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

WIP Wednesday and Yarn Over

Sorry, just don't feel like it today...I've been kinda run down with the stuffies, coughing and sneezing...I also finished my last Nerd Wars project and posted it yesterday...

so even though I have many WIP's, the only thing I've worked on is a boring sock....which when I have the time will have to show and explain, because there is an issue with it....

so along with the stuffies I am just tired all the time! 

And I'm not really reading anything at the moment, unless you count the two US magazines I read last night....just kind flipping through things...

So that's it from me linky...but I'll go visit everybody else when I get home...need to make sure I get to work early...parking is prime right now...


  1. Sorry that you are feeling poopy! I hope your knitting mojo returns soon, hugs.
