
Friday, January 27, 2012

FO - FUGLY Socks


I finished these earlier this week….Yep, they are ugly and not the same.and just wrong…The sock on the right?  It was my first sock ever started…and it took me months to finish it…..I also was knitting as if to purl (get it?) and then when I realized what I was doing wrong I changed it…on the foot….It’s baggy and the foot is too small….

The second sock I started knitting it correctly and realized it was not going to match the first one….so I knit it wrong….until I got part way done with the foot and realized it was way TOO BIG!!  So I ripped back to approx where I started knitting correctly on the other sock….but wanting them to at least kinda match, it also is too small in the foot, but better that the first one…

So what do I do with them?  I think they are going to be inside slippers socks…I wear socks in my slippers when my feet are cold…I was going to felt them, but the foot is too small…

Sure they are fugly, but I learned from them…and hey look at the difference in my tension!!! 

I still have these that came out all right


and if I photograph them at certain angles, they look okay…


I still have one lone sock to make a match…my Jaywalker


Maybe this weekend…..if I dare….

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Creative Friday




  1. I am really fortunate that my first pair of socks turned out so well. Your idea of using at home, is perfect though. All of that work, they still need to be enjoyed PLUS you have made so many beautiful socks since then.

  2. They have a certain charm, too loose and all. The yarn is a lovely colour. Yes, house socks I'd say!

  3. Congratz on the socks! They might be fugly but you succeeded in making them and learned from them!

  4. There's nothing wrong with fugly socks :) They still function as socks, which is the main thing!

  5. Hey it's always a positive though to say you learned from an awkward FO, right? It all falls under "practice makes perfect" and wearing them around the house means they'll still get the love that all good handmade items deserve :)

  6. Hahaha. I'm happy to hear your going to still use them. My first pair (technically) turned out so different that I made a third sock. The outlier is on the shelf as a reminder. :-)

    Your second pair look perfect. :-)

  7. This brings to mind my attempts at sock knitting. I still haven't figured it quite out myself though so it's exciting to see that you've already knit up others with great success!

  8. I haven't made any socks yet, still plucking up the courage, they scare the hell out of me LOL.

    Like the Jaywalker

  9. Slipper socks are a real treat! Maybe you could knit a third sock in the same color, or unravel the giganto sock and re-knit? (Says the lady who had done more unknitting than knitting lately!)

  10. Good job on the socks. I'm sure we all have our first try on something that didn't work out perfectly. I love my jaywalkers, I encourage you to make the second one!

  11. My first pair were wayyyyy too large. But they make warm and comfy bed socks! Love the limey color of the 2nd pair.

  12. I'm too scared to even try socks , so I think they're great!

  13. Your post made me laugh! I tried to knit a pair of socks years ago (when I didn't even really know how to knit) and wondered why anyone would choose to do such a thing.

    As long as you learned from it, all is not lost. I find that I've learned the most about knitting through the (many) mistakes I've made.

  14. Wear them! First Socks are a huge big deal!

    --Signed, the lady whose first sock was big enough to be a Christmas stocking.

  15. Hey a blind man would be delighted to see them :0) Great first effort!

  16. Your first pair can at least be worn around home, to have nice cosy feet! I did this with my first pair as well, and looked at it as a learning process!

  17. Yay! As long as you enjoyed the process, right? And you are well on your way. Great job!

  18. I have to give you credit for continuing on to the second sock after having a scary experience with your first. Each one you knit will give you more experience and teach you what works best. Keep it up and you'll be a fabulous sock knitter in no time.

  19. I think they look nice anyway! when you make mistakes in knitting, it's just so that you don't make them in the future, right?
