
Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Bungled It…

I usually write my blog posts off the cuff….I don’t plan them…and I usually just write and post them…but I feel I need to address an issue….

I am participating in the Blog Hub Swap, as I said….and the person who sent me my package is hurt, angry and disappointed in me. Now I had already identified her as the person who sent me the swap package before I read her latest post, and she went public with her anger.

Now we share several readers, so readers are going to put the two together, even though she did not identify me.

I had privately apologized to her for bungling this up before the post. Unfortunately it’s a case of life sometimes gets in the way.

I had several things going on this week, it was a stressful week and the fact is I am leaving on a planned trip for four days. So while I am planning on blogging, and did plan on blogging, it just did not happen as soon as I got the gifts.

However I did express to her privately how thrilled I was with them…

Secondly, through a mistake on my part I did open all the gifts. I had opened the first gift and messaged her about it….when she made a comment about the yarn…I thought oh I can open all the gifts and I did….and I loved them….but it was a mistake on my part…

So I have apologized to her privately and explained that it is just one of those weeks…and now I have done it publicly. I am not going to get into a blog war about this and this will be the last time I address it. If this ruins our online blog friendship, well so be it…I have enjoyed having her as a blog friend and will continue to read and enjoy her blog….

And just as a last…this is the kind of week it is…I have also been on antibiotics for a week battling an ear infection….and now I have an hour to finish packing and go to the airport…I just got home from work…

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing the rest of the swap packages! For what it's worth, when I participated in this swap last time around my swap partner opened all the packages at once... and I'm fairly sure I was delayed in my blog posts since I was out of town for a day or two in the middle of it. Obviously life comes before blogging, and that's okay!
