
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NETA SPA Weekend

NETA is the New England Textile Arts.  They don’t seem to have a website, but a blog…

Anyway this is what I came home with


A new project bag Worka B Designs

And some lovely, lovely yarn…I only bought 3 skeins from the vendors at SPA…

The purples are from the ever lovely Madcolor.  They are Dionysius and I’ve eye’d the color for awhile, wasn’t sure I had it checked stash on Ravelry first….

Then the one in between the two purples is some really squooshy PurpleFleece.  It’s MCN and just soooo Squooshy….

On my way home, I stopped at Purl Diva in Brunswick, ME.  Fantastic, lovely store and definitely crochet-friendly! 


DSC02102 Yarn balls and twinkly lights on the way in! Fun, fun!

DSC02099 I went there for some of this…Quince and Co….hard to get…I got two

DSC02111 Chicadee in Peacock

DSC02112 Fiberphile in Boysenberry, also never seen…

DSC02100 In that alcove? Sale counter..look what I found there.

DSC02113 Some Lorna’s Laces Shepard Sock in Carol Green…love me some Lorna’s Laces

DSC02101 And another wall of yummy yarns…I did not photo all the yarn, there are four rooms….

If you are up that way, I’d make it a destination stop…How was your weekend?


  1. Our weekend was rather uneventful other than Little Man learning to climb onto the couches. He also keeps repeating a word but we're not sure what it means...he says it for so many things. It sounds like he's saying, "din-ya" but he says it while pointing, eating, wandering around, and just babbling. It means something to him, though...

  2. That boysenberry is to die for . . . I want some for socks. I love how many of these events you have and get to!

  3. Don't you just love that shop? I visited there this summer and I must say it felt like home, away from home. The house has been so lovingly restored, the projects on display are so inspiring, and the sales help is friendly and inviting.
    I want to go back. Also, if you want to buy Quince Yarns in person, check out Knit Wit in Portland.

  4. Love purl diva! Wish i got there more often since it is just 30 min from me...but alas, my two babes like yarn too much to be allowed in such stores :-)
