
Thursday, April 19, 2012

2012 Pay It Forward Handmade

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I just discovered this yesterday on Nomes’s Brag-a-long and decided, sure why not…So who else would like to play?

Here’s the rules:

1.  I will send a surprise gift to the first three commenters on this post. The gift will be handmade by me.  It will be sent sometime in the next 365 days. It will be a surprise.  We all love getting surprises in the mail, right?

2. To sign up and receive a gift, you must play along, too. Pay it Forward on your blog, by promising to make a surprise for the first three people who comment on the post.

3. You must have a blog. (That is updated, as I will blog stalk you to find the right gifty for you)

4. After commenting here, you must repost this or something similar to your blog in 48 hours.  If not, I will chose the next person who comments…

Would you like to play?  It seems like an awful lot of fun!
Once I have the first three comments, I will notify you via email or Ravelry PM for an address….so please have a way for me to reach you….

Let’s Pay It Forward with a Handmade!!!! Will ship internationally!

Closed..I have my three, but please check with the other players.  I know Nome still needs one and Erin


  1. Ok, I'm game.

    You can find me in my blog, or on Ravelry as Eskimimi if I'm one of the first three.

  2. i'll play along, you can find me on ravelry as knittingv xxx

  3. I'm in! This sounds like fun and a whole year makes this totally do-able. As you might know, suddenexpression on Rav!

  4. This sounds like lots of fun. I'm in.

    You can find me on my blog or on Ravelry as Pyra. Now to add this to my blog.

  5. This looks like fun - If I'm one of the first three comments I will do a post tomorrow.

  6. Does it have to be a knitted/crocheted item? If not, you can find me on Tumblr. :)

  7. I have my three, but I don't know how to reach Cai on Tumblr, can anyone help?

    Please try linking up with the other players...

  8. Sorry about that, there was only one other comment when I wrote that. :)

  9. Thank you for the mention. That post has been as quiet as church.... no bites at all. Maybe I should tempt the reader with a few clues about what I will send? IDK???

  10. SO much fun! I found you via a google search, and then I read through to find out you are participating on a different tangent created by Naomi (Nome's Brag-a-long)!! Makes the world seem a little smaller when fun things like this happen!!

  11. Hi I think that your blog is quite nice!
