
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Awards–Long Post- Overdue

We all like to receive awards, knowing that someone has recognized something good about something we did (come on, you don’t get that little puff of pride in your chest when someone nominates you for something?)

Well I was nominated awhile ago…during the month of darkness known as November 2011 (award post) for the

Blog_Award by New End Studios.

So I need to tell you 7 things about myself and nominate 15 bloggers for the award.

I’m pretty open, but here goes…

1.  In high school I had more than 25 penpals.  I had 6 American penpals and many international penpals. And I still have all my letters, I’m thinking a book…

2.  I am still in touch with one, Tone of Norway, although we Facebook more nowadays.

3.  We also hosted 2 foreign exchange students at my insistence. Vladimira (Mary) from then Yugoslavia, now Croatia and Francisco from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Mary and I keep in touch, but infrequently…

4.  I spent two months visiting Mary in Croatia after high school.  I put off college for a year.  Glad I did it, otherwise I would not have later.

5. My engagement ring was bought with my husband’s loan to go to Alaska, so I owe him a trip to Alaska. We were engaged after 6 weeks of dating and married a year later.  21 years this year.

6.  My favorite movies are Wizard of Oz, Jaws and Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth.

7.  My favorite book of all time is The Secret Garden.

I also was given the

461996762 from SuddenExpression and I just realized I was also nominated by ReneeAnne at Confessions of a Yarn Addict.  So thank you both!

Since I’ve already told you the 7 things about me, here go the 15 blogs…I’ve actually been thinking about the blogs I read recently….and most of them are about people totally different from me….and many are international…as I shared above, I have always wanted to learn about different people and places.  I am going to share a couple of popular blogs and some lesser known ones.

1. Lucy of Attic 24 – because really who can resist her enthusiasm and eye for color and pictures.

2. Kate of Foxs Lane – so very different lifestyle than I lead, but fascinating

3. Ginny at Small Things – again a very different life than the one I lead.

4. Linda at Natural Suburbia – this one is newish to me, but heck South Africa!  Awesome!

5. Belinda at Aunty Mum – we’ve been reading each other for some time and I like reading about her unexpected journey into mommyhood

6. Kate at Greedy For Color- another one with a fantastic eye for color and I’m jealous when I read she and Belinda got together.

7. Lori at Thrums – Lori is living a life I have thought and dreamed about, living in New York City and the wonderful surprises that city holds, plus I’ve met her in real life.

8. Suzanne at Chickens in the Road – her adventure at becoming a self-sustaining farmer and her funny animal pictures.

9. Pat at Mille Fiori Favoriti – another New York City based blog…I want to visit many of the places she blogs about

10. Sonia at Peaceful Knitter – I actually met her before she moved out to the Northwest and she is a new yarn shop owner…

11. Andrea at Wisdom Begins In Wonder – alpaca farm owner, enough said!

12. Mimi at EskimimiMakes – Mimi is back after a long absence and she was missed.

13. Annie at SheepishAnnie – she’s a teacher and sometimes you just have to laugh at this stuff.

14. Gingergread Lady at Gingerschatz – she’s funny and an Irish lady married to a German.

15. Becca at Nutmeg Knitter – a local girl and someone else I have met in real life.

Some of these bloggers have no idea who I am, but I enjoy their blogs nontheless, I also tried not to repeat bloggers that also received the award, so some of my regulars were left off the list…but you can check them out in my sidebar….

1 comment:

  1. Your socks look comfy, jealous.
    Great list, penpals and travelling when you're young- you can't beat that experience. Your husband gave up his trip for the ring- that's beautiful. Here's to your 21st!
