
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 13 - Onto Kansas...

We had a leisurely start this morning....I really was not feeling well yesterday, after checking in around 3:00..I took about an hour nap....then went back to bed around 10 and slept pretty soundly until 7....waking up to turn the tv off.... around 4:00....the nephew falls asleep with the tv on, and I eventually get up and turn it off...sometimes it's a hunt for the remote...

So we headed toward Denver....and it was a beautiful ride...the Rockies were to the west of us and we followed them down to Denver....just a pretty drive....

I had picked up a flyer at the hotel about a candy factory that gave tours, so we stopped there...What fun!!!!!!

It's Hammond's was a free tour...and we all got a large free candy cane at the end of the free candy too!  They make all their candy by hand...
Then we went into the store and bought candy.....a couple of fun things to share with the Hubs at home...

Here is the free candy cane they gave us, I put a quarter next to it, to show the size.
Then we headed onto Kansas.....we stopped in the middle for the was 109 degrees heading through Kansas with a wicked wind......

I took this one shot while driving, both the nephew and I have said that the clouds just look bigger out here....but I thought the road was very took a picture out of the window (yes I was driving, but noone was near me and I slowed down)..the blues, whites, yellows, greens and the black of the road....

It was actually 5:15, we had passed into Central time zone, but I had not changed the car clock yet...

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