
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 15 - The Arch

I had no idea that The Arch actually had another name...It's actually called "The Gateway Arch" and is part of the "Jefferson National Expansion Monument," a national park.  This was going to be our last stop on our cross-country trip.  It was pretty cool!

The park leading from the parking garage up to the arch...

Peeking through the trees...
Once you get to the Arch, it opens up to a terrace above the Missouri River...
To get into the Arch, you go under the is a big underground room.  It has several theaters, a gift shop and a museum...pretty cool!

We saw the movie, "Lewis and Clark: Great Journey West."   The movie was fantastic!  It was on a big screen and was just very life-like!  I had read the book Sacajawea by Anna L. Waldo many years ago and it had stuck with me since...I admire Sacajawea and consider her one of my heroes. Although the book is a fictionalized version. she did a lot of research....I think I may have to reread the book!

Then we got in line to go to the top....we had to ride in these very tiny cubicles, 5 people each and they were tiny...

The top was very cool....but also crowded and hot!   Some pictures we took:

Then we rode back down, visited the museum, did some shopping and headed back home.....well we did find a restaurant to eat...we were starving...something was happening on the street, because everyone was outside and the places were all closed, so we ended up going into the casino and eating at a restaurant in there....

That was our last big stop....we made one more lunch stop the next day, at a place he had seen on Man vs Food, in Columbus, OH. the Thurman Cafe...his burger was HUGE!!!!!!  He actually only ate half and saved the rest for dinner....

Then another day of driving and we got home on Wednesday, July 17.....I put almost 5000 miles on my car!  It was such a great trip!!!!! 

I have been a little wiped out since some other things came up that I've had to deal with....but we saw so much and ate so much and just had an awesome time....some of the places we visited, such as The Badlands, I will do a separate post at some point....

I hope you have enjoyed the trip with us.....


  1. I went up in the Arch once when I was in high school. I'm petrified of heights so that was interesting. I don't remember much else about it, though.

  2. I enjoyed your travel stories. Sounds like it was a great trip.

  3. Thanks for sharing your trip with us! I loved going up in the arch. It sure was long as you aren't afraid of heights. I even rode in a helicopter around it! Glad you guys enjoyed the trip!
