
Monday, August 26, 2013

10,000 Miles

When I went to get my oil changed last week.....the guy said I had put almost 10,000 miles on my car this summer....I had my oil changed before I had left on the first trip.  Here is a map of the states I either drove through or actually visited this summer....

visited 23 states (46%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or another interesting project

The Hubs asked me on Sunday if I wanted to do anything, as it was my last day....I said, "Not really...I traveled a lot this summer."  I was pretty content with knitting and crocheting the day away...


  1. Husband usually asks me that every weekend but I never know what to do. There are things I want to do (like knitting and reading) and things I should do (like organizing bookshelves and cleaning)...they fight with each other and usually the latter wins.

  2. Half of America. I think it's a rather long trip to see my parents, who live about half an hour away from me. ;-) I'd rather walk than drive.
