
Sunday, August 11, 2013

YOP: Week 32 or Week 27????

Since I have not posted a YOP since June this week 27 or is it week 32????

Yesterday I had to take an unexpected trip to WEBS, as I ran out of the yarn for my Cedar Leaf Shawlette...and since I bought the original skein is Madelinetosh Pashmina, so no dye lots...but I hoped to match it as best as I could....and I looked on the website to see if they had listed 3 skeins...however when I got there, they did not have that color in Pashmina in the store (the website lists the warehouse)  But there were these "One of a Kind" skeins that looked like Norway Spruce, so I matched the best far so good,,,,this skein is slightly darker, but since it's the leaf edging, you really can't tell the difference....I just wonder why they are now "One of a Kind" and not the original name????  I have 9 leaves to go...woo-hoo!

My focus this week has been the shawlette, as it is my I need to finish it...I also bought season 7 of Supernatural...and will watch that as I complete the leaves today...I can do about 3-4 before I need to take a break...

I also added 4 hats to my completed list....I made A LOT of hats...they are quick and easy....

I started to work on The Age of Brass and Steam, when I ran out of yarn for the CLS, but needed smaller needles...I got those yesterday I can work on that...

I'm also struggling with my Breath of Fresh Air scarf
I didn't like the way it is pooling..there is that big blotch...I don't mind pooling normally, also shows how tight my gauge was at the beginning..and maybe I loosened up?  I started working on this when I first started knitting in 2011....

So I ripped it out to the even rows and tried to knit in a tighter gauge...but I think now, the yarn is too crinkly...
Can you see the last two rows are still not as even as the rip it all out?  Maybe try a different pattern with this yarn? I'm proud that the beginning rows look so good....

YTD Completed:
Crown for Natalie: 1/5/2013
Sparkie the Monster: 1/21/2013
Casseiopia Shawl:  2/9/13
Crikey Cowl: 2/10/13
Feet Blankets: 2/12/13 
Eros the Owl: 2/16/13
Ladder Up: 2/20/13
Chocolate Peep: 2/26/13
Czech Republic flag: 2/27/13
So Cazh Socks: 3/9/13
Deep Blue Seas 3/23/13
Spock bear  3/23/13
Stargate Keychain 3/24/13
Noodle Baby Hat 3/24/13
Bunnies, It Must Be Bunnies 3/30/13

Beaded Camo Sock 4/7/13 (technically done, but need some fixing)
Green Spring  Dissertation for T7  4/21/13
Daffodil 4/27/13
Cotton Baby Hat 4/25/13
Citrus Flower Hat 4/28/13
Cute Critter War: Dragon, Mameshiba, Monkey and Mike (May 2013)
Demented Owl and Mameshiba (CCW2 May 2012) 
Monkey for Alexis  6/8/13 (NW)
Car blanket for me  6/15/13 (NW)  
5 Monkey Head Keychains (June 19, 2013)
Snorkle (June 19, 2013)
Wilkey's Cowboy Hat  (June 27, 2013)
Spring Lariat (June 27, 2013)
Plum Pudding Starghan (June 25, 2013)
Christian's Beanie (July 18, 2013)
Jello Flowers (July 21, 2013)
Black Beanie (July 31, 2013)
Bag Hat (August 6, 2013)

Mission Falls Poncho: (Started 2006)
Round Ripple: (Started 2006 (?) Aiden)
Aran Blanket: (Started 2009): two panels done
Around the World Afghan: (April 2010): about ¼ done
Betty Shrug: I don’t know how long I’ve been working on this, but it only has an arm and a border to go.
Sunrise Sunset Afghan: this has been hibernating awhile, 6 squares done.
The Trellis Shawl (February 2013) - frogged 3/9/13
Orange wrap (started ?)
Citrus Hat (4/27/13)

Learn to Knit Afghan: (started 2010): 3 squares done
Kai-Mei: (April 2012)
Hermione's Everyday Socks (January 2013)
A Heart Full of Love: Johnny's Socks (January 2013)
Adele socks: (April 2012)

Splashy Flowers: (May 2011)
Larry Stashbuster Scarf (2012)
Breath of Fresh Air Scarf: (April 2011)
Creekbed: (Feb 2012) - frogged
Cedar Leaf Shawlette (June 2013)

Beach Bag: (started May 2010)  Just needs lining sewn in
Really Big Bag (2011): Stashbuster


Spring Buds
Sunflower: (August 2012) Need a back and to felt

Water Bottle Cozy

Owl for Rose
Hats for Beckett

2 Stargate keychains 1 pair Stargate earrings
WIMs: Projects I have the yarn and the pattern

Baroque Tabard Tunic
Test Pattern Sweater

Car Coat
Cowl Vest

Bedford Springs Shawl

The Age of Brass and Steam
West End Scarf 

Gathering Leaves

Petal Edge Scarf
Filippi Scarf 

Firefly Scarf
Fraxinus Danube Cowl
Simple City

Fire and Ice
Multnomah   Leylines 
Holden Shawlette

Hats and Mitts
Hermione Hearts Ron

Nehalm Hat

Cabled Headband

Cayunga Hat and Mitts set Preposterous
Ruffled hat and mitts

Evergreen Gloves
Sheepy Cuffs 


Memento Mori

Siren Socks
Hey, Have I Ever Steered You Wrong?

Savory Lace Socks
Autumn Flame

Rescue Me, Chin Boy and Show Me the Stars

Sarape Shopper

Pleated Purse
Circular Felted Bag 


  1. Well done on getting so many finshes from your last yop update. Hats are a quick knit up aren't they. Looking forward to seeing CLS and hoping the new yarn keeps matching up.

  2. I think given the shape of this pattern, the pooling may go from pleasing to displeasing and back again. If you frogged the yarn, sometimes it helps to get it wet and let it dry a little stretched to get the kink out. Good luck!

  3. I enjoyed browsing your blog! I did have to search to see what YOP meant! What a great idea! It really gives you a sense of accomplishment!

  4. I'm sure you'll find a better pattern that will go better with the variegation. I'm sure it'll work out with the Pashmina.

  5. Good luck on your dissertation and I can't wait to see the finished shawl!

  6. I'm getting ready to frog a sweater so was unsure how to get the yarn uncrinkled so I did some research on Rav. Here is one way to do it:

    "I wind it into a hank and loosely tie it at each end. Then I use a frying pan full of boiling water, place a cookie rack/screen on top of it and carefully lay the yarn on top. As the steam penetrates, the kinks relax. Actually it’s quite entertaining to watch as it writhes about as it straightens. I use wooden spoon handles to turn it over so I don’t burn myself.

    I don’t worry about getting every last wrinkle out of it but you can see when it goes from kinky to just slightly wavy that it’s enough. Lay on the counter for about an hour or hang if you like, and then you can either store as is or wind loosely back into balls.

    I prefer this method over actually getting them wet as the dry much faster and it seems to do just as good a job, at least on the wool and alpaca yarns that I’ve used it for."

    Good luck on your dissertation!

  7. Glad you were able to match the yarn, can't wait to see the shawl! And I don't think knitting tighter will sort out that pooling, I think it's how the yarn is dyed and how it works with the pattern you're knitting. I would suggest trying a different pattern. Maybe you could reskein the yarn and soak it to even out the kinks before trying a different pattern?
