
Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Different Kind of "Finish"

So I thought I'd show you how my classroom turned another teacher came into the room and said it had never looked so good....the two previous occupants just kinda piled more stuff in the room and never actually cleaned it out...

Back of the classroom....I haven't had a teacher desk in about 10 years...We are still getting resources the box on the counter is full of math materials....It's a new math program and has A LOT to it!  It's a bit overwhelming....

To the right of this area is my whiteboard and rug area, but my students were in the room, so although I took a picture with just the backs of their heads, I am not posting it.....

Front of the has been absolutely SWELTERING the past two days, so I have 3 fans running in the classroom and we are still melting....the last hour of the day is TOUGH....

The boxes in the front of the room are the old reading series and old math series...they will be picked up sometime next week.....

I was so happy when I unpacked my last of my boxes of books was found in the computer lab....I haven't unpacked it yet....

There is always something to do...and I have a towering stack of plastic tucked in a corner...I need to work on my library....but it's been too hot to stay in the room after school....

tonight we are having a major storm and it'll be cooler tomorrow...thank goodness...

I am lucky this year, as I only have 17 students....Last year at this time, I had 26.. what a difference....and a couple of "itchy" kids, but no really major behavior problems like last year.....and they are young....I'm back in second after teaching fifth for the past 3 happy to be back in second after the year that was "hellish," I am expecting a good year...if only the buses would show up on time...the last bus is 15-20 minutes late every day.....

I hope to finish my Age of Brass and Steam this weekend....


  1. I would love to be a student in your classroom. I like it very much! :-)

  2. I just don't understand why schools don't bother with air conditioning, especially newer ones. When I was student teaching a gazillion years ago (the kids I had are now sophomores in college), we had about six fans going in our room and it was awful. Also, our room was filled with stuff (my cooperating teacher had already been teaching for 15-20 years by then, and had been in that room for at least 12). Lots of stuff, 24 students, and various other teachers and paras in and was so hot in there.

  3. It looks wonderful! Blessings to you on this new, exciting school year :-)

  4. It looks wonderful! Blessings to you on this new, exciting school year :-)
