
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Stash Saturday

This school year may kill me.....well technically not kill me...but it will definitely curtail the blogging and extra activities I the moment, each day we are working 9+ hours....and so many people think teachers don't work...and the year has only started.....hopefully things will settle down...but I doubt it...I have built a classroom community for the past week...and on Tuesday (because I will be in an all day workshop on Monday)  I will have a "new" class, some of the students I had this past week mixed in with new students....happy, happy, joy, joy...starting the school year over again....

But we are here for some the form of new yarn....while I am trying to cold sheep, I do still receive yarn from two yarn clubs (it was 4, but the other two ran out and I haven't rejoined any)..also last weekend, the local yarn store had a sidewalk sale...well I had to go and support the local economy...right???

So club yarns....

Nerd Girls Random Fandom
War of the worlds on Pwnie ( 50% SW and 50% Tencel)

Mad Color Fiber Arts Into The Black (Firefly)
She'll Fool Ya' on Slink (75% SW 10% Tencel 15% Nylon)
When I first pulled this out, the Hubs only saw the teal/orange end..and said wow..Miami Dolphin colors...until I showed him the rest....I love the bright colors...stripey socks I think...

Sidewalk Sale:
Kraemer Mill Ends in Perfection
I'm thinking a short cape...

2 balls of Nature Spun
Stripped scarf...or cowl....

Schoppel Wolle Zauberwolle in Holly Blue....not on sale, but I peeked through the ball and liked the color changes...considering I paid about $3 a piece for the other was worth the splurge..

I will update tomorrow...and I missed an FO Friday...and I'm still working on my Age of Brass and Steam, but am getting ready to cast on a pair of I may have something for WIP Wednesday...

PS..I saw this on my Facebook feed and almost bought it...but I was restrained....


  1. wonderful yarn. ive never heard of zauberwolle! i'll be excited to see your finished Age of Brass and Steam. I loved knitting that shawl.

  2. I don't buy new yarn .... until .... November. However, .... :-)
