
Friday, November 22, 2013


I will be heading to Catching Fire after work today...but without my shawl/shrug thing, as I did not finish it yet....

Conferences last night were good...I've had 100% attendance this year!!!!!  And the two late ones, both showed up early in an open time slot...score!

And I have several finished items...

First up...
A request from a friend....Minions!

A "hey I forgot about this yarn project!"  Cushy Cowl
Yes, there are dead leaves in's a Nerd Wars thing....

And a simple hat....
I think it needs another flower or two, but need to see if I have something in that green...This is in the Beverly colorway from Lorna's Laces...Beverly was my Grandmother's name...

I also have gotten the yarn to finish my Lucy hat..that'll be done this weekend...and some other yarn...and then onto the Catching Fire Cowl....I am going to love this thing, I think!!!!

Check out some more finishes at:  Tami's Amis, Wisdom in Wonder and Natural Suburbia...

I will be working feverishly this weekend to finish my Nerd Wars I'll have some more to show next week!


  1. Great FOs! I'm off to see Catching Fire tomorrow - hope you love it tonight! x

  2. You have been busy! The Minions are the cutest :)

  3. Really pretty projects there ! The hats are adorable and I especially love the yarn of the blue hat. Nice fall colors for Your Cushy cowl.

  4. That cowl looks super warm. Very nice and enjoy the movie.

  5. Love the color of your hat! Great FOs! :)

  6. Great project, love the Minions!

  7. Hoping to take the kids to see Catching Fire later. LOVE the minion hats!
