
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Stitches East - Day 1

First, there is no traffic! was kinda dead today....oh there were still many people attending, but not as much as I've seen in the addition, several vendors have not returned and the place was kinda empty....

but there was still beautiful yarn to be had!

This is the booth I was working in....she had bundled yarn into projects..they sold pretty well....
The shawl kit that sold well was the one on the top is the (shoot forgot the name, will add it tomorrow)

The shawl on the top right is the Gardener's Shawl..and I bought this to make it..
Done Roving Frolicking Feet in Indigo Purple and Chartreuse...sorry..took pictures at night under horrible light..

Also visited The Verdant Gryphon and acquired these..
On the left is Bugga in Northern Green Frog...and Mondegreen in a "Nonsense Mutation" She just plays with colors..some work, some don't...

I also found the buttons I regretted not getting last weekend..
She is Tin Pan Arts, from Mount Vernon, happy I found I picked up these..
A couple of other fun things I found...
Mitchell Larsen Studio had these great glass sheep pins...and I fell in love with the buttons...I know the picture kinda sucks..sorry....

And finally...the best find of the day!!!!!
Creepy monkey button earrings!!!!  These buttons were found in a Czechoslovakian factory after the war (assuming WW2)..they were made in the 20's or 30's...antique glass face buttons...but my gosh do they look like creepy monkeys!!!!  I saw them...took about 5 steps away and immediately turned around and went back and bought them!!!!!  Score!!!!

It was a good day...


  1. I do have a love of old buttons and those monkey ones are fun :) I would also assume WWII for when they were found.

    Also, yarn porn :)

  2. I love all the items you bought, score! I've never been to a fair like that before, but I hope I will someday! Seems such fun!

  3. Sorry to hear that attendance seemed to be down. Still, there was obviously tons of yarny temptation. Those creepy monkey buttons are excellent.
