
Saturday, November 30, 2013


I am participating in a Nerd Wars's a secret swap.....I got my package today from my swapper/stalker.....I love it!!!!  So full of fun...and Vandal eyes....and Wheaton!

I’m a big fan of Wil Wheaton, have been since the 80’s..I grew up with him…I’m 4 years older, so I watched him on TNG…and loved Stand By Me….and I love that he has reinvented himself as an adult actor/writer….I’ve read a couple of his books..thought he was sh**a** creepy on Criminal Minds…and absolutely brilliant on Big Bang Theory…..I have based a couple of my projects on Wil..especially Wilkey, my monkey….my absolute fav online video (beside John Barrowman singing the Dr. Who theme song on Weakest link) is Jonathan Coulton singing My Monkey to Wil….which I have linked to before..and am presently listening to....

I got this....

She had wrapped them all and added Vandal Eyes to them...this is something wil's wide, Anne I have my own...
She made the magnets!!!  And the Wesley sweater for the Wil plush....
So much fun will be had!
Awesome swap package!

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