
Friday, December 27, 2013

What Was Finished this Week?

I have three finishes this week:

Another Minion hat for a nephew, I did not follow a pattern for this one.

A dragon bookmark
This was for a Nerd Wars challenge...I wanted to make a balaclava in the shape of a dragon, but ran out of time...I'm still going to make it, but now I don't need to rush...and it is for me...I do bus suty outside and it gets cold!

And finally the Wonky Creekbed scarf is done!   It is stretched out drying right now, bt I'll post a teaser shot...
I'll get a proper photo session with it later....although I will say, having now looked at it...the colors remind me of bacon....

What did you finish this week?  Or where your holidays too busy to craft?
Wisdom Begins in Wonder and Natural Suburbia


  1. LOVE the bookmark!
    Happy New Year,

  2. I would not have thought bacon until you said it!

  3. LOL!!! I don't think I have ever eaten bacon with green edges. I would think that would not be good for you. Love it! And the dragon bookmark is adorable. And who could not love a Minion Hat?

  4. This is dragon bookmark is so cool and theme appropriate!

  5. Hooray for the Dragon TUP! Smaug All Things! I love Game of Thrones. I'm on the fifth book right now and can't wait for the next series to start on HBO. Your scarf is beautiful and, of course, I adore the minion hat.

  6. It does rather look like knitted bacon!!

  7. I'm not seeing the bacon ... not with the green, anyway! LOVE the minion hat!!
