
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Yarn Along..and a few WIPs

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading?~

I have mainly been working on two projects this week....The Scarf, started on the night of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary....and my Creekbed is so messed up, but I'm going with's going to be a wonky scarf for sure....but I know I'll enjoy it....what a difference these two projects are!  The yarn, the amount of stitches....but still they both are going to take me forever!!!!

I've also been reading Chickens in the Road by Suzanne McMinn.  I don't know how long I've been reading her blog, but it's been a couple of years...she is very I bought her book when it came out earlier this's not just rehashed blog posts, there are things that she did post about, but written in a different way...and lots of stuff she didn't write about.....

Pretty much all school districts around us had a snow day today...we did not...but I had a personal day...I had to go to Social Security to bring them my father's death certificate and do some paperwork for them....

But I also enjoyed seeing the birds flocking to our driveway...the Hubs feeds the birds in winter...he has a bird feeder, but also sprinkles it on the ground..
This was while it as still snowing....and later...the cardinals came out...
The female is in the upper left and male bottom right...we actually had about 6 cardinals, but they were spread out...and the Hubs had shoveled at this point...

The Hubs also made yummy chocolate, chocolate cookies for dessert....
They look burnt...but were so good!!!!  I only ate one....and will be bringing the rest to share tomorrow at lunch....

Joining up with Ginny and links up yet

1 comment:

  1. Oh The Scarf looks amazing already! I just saw a colorblocked scarf online and I was really inspired to make something like that! I love it so far and can't wait to see it finished! Lovely that your Hub is feeding those birds during winter!
