
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Diving Into The Stash

So for my dissertation in Nerd Wars, I decided to make something that I have had the yarn for since 2008...The Baroque Tabard Tunic....Here is the's been packed in a box since then..

So the body is the grey Shadow yarn, but I'm thinking I'm going to get the yellow Caron yarn to match, as the purple I have is too dark..I think I want it more springy...see the threads of yellow in the grey?

And I'm not a huge pink fan, so the edging will be in the pink, but I think I'm going to get the yellow for the sleeves and belt...

In other stash news....well I fell down hard....I am still waiting on a shawl kit from Zen Yarn Garden and a skein of Stargate yarn from SoftnShiny....and well, I was looking in the rainbow yarn thread...and might have ordered another 5 skeins of yarn.....

But I did get two club yarns in!

They are both from Mad Color...the top one from the Dizzy Color Sunnydale club, that she is doing with Dizzy Color....and the second from the Mad Color Posse..and is inspired by Luna from Harry Potter....the Hubs really likes the second one, so I have to find something to make him....and I got a shipping notice that Random Fandom from Nerd Girls is on it's way...wheeeee!


  1. Pretty new yarn :-) I look forward to seeing what you make with it.

  2. I am totally in love with the new yellow yarn! :D
