
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day #4

And I took pictures of birds...after we feed them....junkos, bluejays, cardinals, chicadees, sparrows..doves...a woodpecker and some squirrels...

The fence is our neighbors and they fly up to it when startled..or the tree..or to survey what we have thrown out....the bluejays were taking the peanuts and flying off with them..and then coming back...

Between taking pictures of the birds I worked on The Scarf....
It is 2/3 of the way done....

I also got some mail....
Pretty, pretty yarn..Mad Color Mad Posse...the last of the Harry Potter month starts Irish mythology...I'm hoping for some Pookah yarn!  But I am IN LOVE with this color..not a great picture..but it is so saturated...really purple with shots of blue...Kingsley Shackelbolt was the inspiration..
And a rainbow bag I special ordered...
It's from a friend in Wyoming, who recently opened up an etsy shop..check her out...Crescent Originals....and that was my snow about yours?  (and I doubt this will be the last one)


  1. That's a lot of snow! Great scarf; it's coming along nicely. Stay warm :-)

  2. I love all the pictures of the birds, you have so many 'brands' or birds visiting, it's lovely! I love your Rainbow bag, so festive!

  3. Those dopey blue jays take peanuts and stick them places and never remember where they put them. You'll probably find them on the ground when the snow melts. Your rainbow bag's pretty. I'll have to check out that etsy shop.
