
Monday, May 12, 2014

5thAnnual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week

 I wasn't sure if I'd take part this year,  but I decided I'd do as many days as I could.

Day One (Monday 12th May): A Day In The Life.
Describe a day in the life of a project that you have made, or are in the process of making.

On Saturday I picked up a was going to originally be for a SWAP, but my swap partner dropped out....Then I realized my friend Deidre would love it, as she loves cowls....and this would be the first knit one...the rest I have made her, have been crochet....also her birthday was coming up...

So I picked it up and I still had three complete repeats (18 rows) to may not seem like much to a knitter who has been doing this awhile, but I am as s.l.o.w. as molasses when I knit.  I frequently lose my place and have to have the pattern right near me.....

So I got through another repeat yesterday, so had 2 more this morning....

The project and I went out to the porch swing about 7:00 am...

Talked to a neighbor for awhile....knitted awhile...and then the wind picked up..and the project was being blown all we came back in...and settled in our usual spot...

 Finally, it was done...a new bind-off was used...the grandmother's bind-off....and then it went for a soak...

And a dry in the sun...

As it was still somewhat wet, about 8:30pm, it got a blow dry.....

and ta-dah!

and it is all wrapped up and ready for tomorrow (Monday)...

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