
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Massachusettes Sheep and Wool

Memorial Day weekend was the Mass Sheep and Wool.  It was suppose to be rainy in the morning and then clear up.  By the time I got there, about 10:30, it was beautiful and the sheep were loud!

It was mainly two sheep....this Tunis
and this, it might have been a Southdown
They were baaing back and forth, with one of the other sheep joining in...but they were the two main ones!  I wish I had taken a video!

This fellow was awfully fluffy...
And this one loved being scratched..
And, of course I went in search of the Jacobs....there was a whole stall of them, but every time you pointed a camera at the ram, it turned it's shy!

But you ask...what did I get?  Seriously I was looking for swap stuff...but didn't get any....
I think because it was grey in the sky, I went for the yellow!  The really bright yellow is a BFL by Jan Marek Raczkowski.  He is a local CT dyer whom I've seen at many shows over the years, but have never bought...I loved how bright this yellow was...I'm thinking a Honey Cowl...He doesn't seem to have a website.

To the left is a duller, mustardy is another new to me dyer, Deep Water Dye Works, it's SHINY in Simon's Vest...yes a Firefly reference....

Must be in reference to this vest
My goodness, that boy is so pretty...ahem..back to the yarn...the yarn has dark coppery stellina in it is shiny....

Then to the left of that yarn is a Holiday Yarn in Packers...I'm planning on making a Strandwanderer with it...she dyes the yarn to get that effect....and Packers are the Hubs favorite team.

Way over to the right is another Holiday Yarn called Captain Jack....cuz we all need some Captain Jack in our lives....another very pretty boy...with a great voice...
You know, I didn't ask, it could be Captain Jack Sparrow....but I'm gonna go with this Captain Jack!

Across the top would be a fun colorway, Purple People Eater, from Spunky this colorway!

And that was my day...I didn't even stop at WEBS on the way home...I go right by it, but I was restrained....


  1. No need for Webs with a lovely haul of indie dyed yarn like that!

  2. Given the colors, that Captain Jack is probably Sparrow. Yay for brightening our day with a pic of Captain Harkness! Love the sheep, especially the scratchy one.
