
Monday, July 14, 2014

Ah! The Ocean

Visiting my mom is wonderful, but although she lives in Florida, she does not live close to a beach.  I'm not a lay out, spend all day at the beach kind of girl, but I love walking a beach.

So my aunt and I went out today, mostly to get lunch and snacks for the game (did you follow the World Cup this year?) I did, as I was bedridden during most of it, so many days, watched all three games. So I couldn't miss the final game, although I missed the Brazil vs Netherlands...cus I was looking at spaceships (that will be an upcoming Travel Tuesday post - not tomorrow, that's Universal.)

Anyhow, back to the beach, my aunt actually lives on the east coast of Florida, about 15 minutes from many beaches, so we made a quick stop and walked along the beach...the water here is so warm and so clear...just gorgeous....we walked for about 40 minutes..then spent several minutes trying to clean our feet with little wet wipes...

It was a nice break....

Look at that, perfect beach day!

Please ignore the pasty white legs, this is the waves breaking over my feet.

We found this dead fish on our way was just sitting there on the sand....we checked to make sure it was dead, it must have washed up during high strange...

There were also many protected turtle nests along the beach.....that is so cool, I'd love to see baby turtles come crawling out of their nests....

Look at the storm, out at sea, the rain was not felt on the beach, but we did hear some thunder.

So dear blog readers, I thought of you...I collected shells along the walk and will send them to a blog reader (anywhere, but if you are not in the US, I'll check customs to see if I can send them.)....many of them have holes, so you could use them for if you'd like some genuine Florida seashells collected from the beach...tell me about a favorite beach memory in the comments...I'll randomly pick a winner next Monday.. leave me a way to get in touch....

Tomorrow we are heading out to a giant Flea Market, and possibly a LYS, there are three in the area......maybe I'll pick up something else at one of those places to add to the package..


  1. Which part of the the east coast is this? I used to visit my Grandparents down in Jupiter/ Palm Beach.

    My favorite memory is of my dad teaching me to jump with the waves coming in and ride them toward shore.

    solodlc at gmail dot com

  2. Seashells!! :) I've only ever been to a beach once, so the whole thing was awesome. I think my favorite part was poking around a tide pool with my dad and sisters looking for starfish :)

  3. How kewl is that! I haven't been to FL since my youngest was 7, she's going to be 17 in Nov. The closest we got to the beach was a boardwalk where we could see the water because it was cold, cold enough to make us Chicago girls put on sweaters or shawls! Ravelry Wolfen checking in to say hi and thanks for the pretty pictures you share!
