
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

WIPS on Vacation

So how many projects do you take on vacation? I took 2 pairs of socks, 2 shawls, and my Lanesplitter skirt.  I also brought yarn for possible 3 other addition to buying yarn while here....

I finished 1 shawl, renewed working on my Rainbow Wings. I needed to add another ball.  I am on the 7th wedge now...

I also worked on my Vanilla Latte socks, putting a couple inches on them..I have a couple more to go until the heel flap....the yarn is so squooshy, I can't wait to wear these!

I also worked on my dissertation for Nerd Wars, actually starting the project...the yarn is a bit rough, so I normally do 6-8 rows before taking a break.  But it is a pretty easy pattern..and I love the color changes....I'm already dreaming of wearing this to Rhinebeck with tights, ankle boots and awesome socks or legwarmers, depending on the weather...
Sorry the pictures are so dark, I took them at 11:00 at night....

I haven't read the past couple of days, but I did start a zombie book called, San Diego 2014, about a zombie outbreak at the 2014 Comic-Con.....since that Comic-Con is happening's pretty timely...

Hooking up with Ginny

Remember I have a wee giveaway on Monday's post..


  1. Gorgeous! Looks like you included all the colors of the rainbow.

  2. That first shawl is amazing! I normally have a few projects on the go too as I get easily bored knitting the same thing.

  3. I always take an easy knit on vacation and usually end up falling asleep in the car so nothing gets done. Oh well!

  4. Lots of lovely projects, you can never ever pack too much yarn on a trip. I like options!!

  5. Rainbow wings is looking amazing!! I looked for the shawl but found your adorable Sprocket, he's so cute!! I also packed yarn, and I bought so much on vacation that it was tough to close my suitcase!!

  6. Holy moly you packed a lot of project for your vacation. ;-)I'm normally a "one project at a time" knitter, so just casting on and finishing the socks while I still had a scarf on my needles was not "normal" for me. I'v knit the lanesplitter skirt before and LOVE it.

  7. When we went back to Wisconsin, I had two projects with me that had been started, and yarn wound for an additional project (which required a needle). I didn't buy any yarn while we were in Wisconsin but I did pick up a couple of books and the aforementioned needle.

    I usually have at least one sock project (because socks take me forever) and maybe something else. In this case, I had the Greyson sweater started so that came along. The yarn I had wound was for my Pacific Shawl :)

  8. I usually only take one or two projects with me when we vacation. Your projects are beautiful.

  9. So happy that I'm staying at home during summer break (remeber last year? Newport, RI). All my wips are staying with me. :-) Have a nice time. Regula
