
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Last WIPs of the summer

Reading: Outlander...still
Took a break, to reread: The Giver....I truly did not remember the storyline....but from reviews I've read, they changed the movie quite a bit...

Today I am going in to set up my classroom....I'll post pics of Monday, the teachers start back with a week of my crafting time is definitely reduced....but didn't stop me from starting something new...
I started a cowl for my swap partner, as the gloves I started were coming out WAY TOO BIG, plus I am a slow as molasses knitter, and I was not going to finish on time...
I'm gonna rip them out and start over with smaller needles, but I don't have the time before I mail them for the swap, so they will probably end up being for me....although my sister has asked for a pair, so maybe I'll give them to her...


  1. Good luck setting up. All our new teachers started and returning staff come next week, then a week later all the kiddos will return. :) I am making time every day for crochet no matter what. Even the simplest project makes me feel like I accomplished something. Have a good rest of the week. Tammy

  2. I made a pair of gloves that were too small - wish we could have evened one another out!

  3. I'm a molasses knitter.. LOL! Me too :) Sorry the gloves came out way to big, love the color though! And the cowl's lovely too, your swap-partner will be so happy with it!
