
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Travel Tuesday - Kennedy Space Center

Really Cool!  So the last place I visited with my Mom and her husband was The Kennedy Space was awesome..especially for this sci-fi loving girl...I love space movies...(just watched a new to me one - Moon - the other day) - Picture heavy!!! And I wore my ET shirt....because....

Anyway, I wasn't too sure what to expect...but there was so much to look at!..The first thing we did was take a bus tour ride..we got to see the launching pads of the rockets....lots of pictures coming up..

Where they are built....

Those grey things are hanger doors...In the middle picture, you can see that the one on the left is open.  This building, the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) was not open to visitors.

Then we went to the launch pads....there are two....

This one is the one where all the astronauts who walked on the moon launched from...

 This was a bus tour, so you aren't able to get out, but it was amazing seeing them up so close.  So freaking awesome!

This thing is MASSIVE!  It moves the vehicles from the building to the launch takes HOURS!

This is the heat something or other...when the rockets blast off, and the fire pours out of the bottom of the rocket, these keep it from spreading...

This is Mission Control. (Major Tom to Ground Control)

Then we got dropped off at the Apollo/Saturn V Center....lots of pictures! I walked under a Saturn V rocket!!!!!

It was amazing! 363 feet and it carried 27 astronauts into space!

Then I saw one of the Command Module from Apollo 14
A Lunar Module
An actual mission control room!!!!

 And so much more..

Then we took the bus back to the main complex and went to see the Space Shuttle Atlantis.  This was really cool!  You had to watch a short presentation first...and I'm not gonna spoil it for you, but this was my favorite part of the day....

And then we saw the Space Shuttle....beyond words.....

The shuttle looks like it's smooth, but really it looks very patchy up close....

I also slid down the slide, just like the astronauts do...Mom did it too..but we didn't get a picture...
And I got to sit in a command chair!
We didn't stay the whole day, as my aunt was picking me up and we headed to south Florida.  I would definitely go back..we didn't see everything...there is so much to see!!!!

I highly recommend a visit if you are in Florida....I'm going to try to visit the one in Alabama too...


  1. Oh man, I geek out on this kind of stuff, too! That sounds like an incredible trip, but I don't understand the slide. When do the astronauts use it?

  2. They use it coming out of the space shuttle......

  3. Wah!! Great pictures, so many of me and I looked at every single one! I am glad you got to go down the slide, I totally would have wanted to as well. I didn't get to go here when I was in time for sure!! I love this stuff. Did you ever watch Angel by the way? I am watching Bones at the moment and it is making me want to watch Angel again.

  4. Yes, I watched Angel, the first couple of seasons are the best....did you watch Buffy? Because Angel and Buffy are the best...but my favorites are Willow and Oz...

  5. That's so cool! I mean I've only seen stuff like that on tv and in movies and it's cool that it does look like it does in fiction! I mean you got to see the real deal! I mean I'm super impressed by the rocket especially!

  6. This is so cool! I went to the one in Houston while I was in high school.
