
Monday, September 15, 2014

2014 Coventry Farmer's MArket and Fiber Twist

Shockingly...I bought no yarn...let's say that again!...I bought NO yarn!  I fondled many pretties, but none spoke to me as having to come home with me......well, there was one...some spun Jacob that was plied a dark grey and a light grey....but I just received some Jacob in a I said no...

I did however purchase these pretty awesome earrings!
We also got a jar of Apple Pie jam....I can no longer have any type of berry, so I'm looking for something new to put on my toast...(yeah this low oxalate diet kinda sucks)....anyway...we also got 4 big tomatoes....other than that we just walked around and looked at things...I didn't take a ton of was quite crowded...

It's in a really beautiful setting...old stone walls and woods...

Think about the fact, that many of those stones walls are old...not European old...but American old...1700-1900....they were built as farmers were clearing fields to plant....

Not too many animals this year...a couple of sheep and a couple of alpacas...

That was about it this year....oh and the Hubs got this GIANT bag of kettle corn...I don't like kettle corn..but he loves it....


  1. Lovely! I likthe picture of the tomatoes. It looks like you had a good day. I am excited to start buying in the pumpkins now!

  2. Ooh I wish we had farmers markets here in the Netherlands.. I always visit a lot when I visit my parents up in Canada! Looks like it was a great one and NO YARN BOUGHT?!? (it took me a while to process that :)) The earrings look lovely!
