
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Etsy Find

I was recently etsy shopping for a swap...(not finished) and came across Little Shoppe of Hodge Podge...many things needed in this shop...but I refrained myself to two...
They are made from the pages of books!  Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth....and be still my heart! Sam and Dean from Supernatural!  The Boyz, as they are known in this house....I hooked the Hubs a couple years ago with this show....Pride and Prejudice and Supernatural...yes I have eclectic tastes..the back of the P&P earrings is pretty too...
which I did not notice until I was taking the pictures...

My swap partner may or may not have also scored a pair....

**Damn, I just went to etsy to get the shop address to link, and BAM! several more things jumped into my shopping basket......2 are for my swap partner...but not the others....

1 comment:

  1. Dean and Sam ear rings! That is the coolest of cool! I try to stay away from etsy somewhat - I just love it so much!
