
Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday Finishes

Man..this week was long......the three other teachers were out most of this week...and we didn't always have I would have extra glad it is Friday...but it is Friday and it is Halloween!!'ll be crazy today....although our students are not allowed costumes...and we aren't suppose to have candy there really isn't much to look forward to during school...but we'll still have  I'm gonna be Superman today....

and what have I completed?  My LANESPLITTER!!!!!!!!!
 and a sideways picture of me wearing it...
The yarn is Plymouth Yarn Boku,,,,project page

I also made a braided cowl last week from the reclaimed sari silk ribbon I bought at Stitches from Darn Good Yarn, a fairtrade company.

I also took three completed strips of a possible Aran afghan and made a wrap.  I knew I'd never finish the afghan, so why not have a snuggly wrap...
and a few things from a couple weeks last minute Rhinebeck cowl and mitts...made with Plymouth Yarn Misti Alpaca

Some quick mitts made from some left over Madelinetosh Pashmina
And a quick cowl for Stitches, made from Malabrigo Rasta....everyone knew what the yarn was at Stitches!
So I am all caught up now!

What have you made lately?

Linking up with Fiber Arts Friday and Creative Friday


  1. Wow, that is a lot of knitting!! Isn't it great when a project finally comes together?!

  2. Fantastic!! It sure feels good to finish up our languishing projects, doesn't it?!? Love the bold!!!!

  3. I love the lanesplitter. I want one.

  4. What GORGEOUS work! You inspire me...Thanks and aloha, Lori

  5. The afghan wrap is ingenious!!! Now I wish I had a languishing afghan to convert. LOL

  6. Oh, oh! You have been busy. I love the wrap! Regula

  7. Look at all of those projects! I am in LOVE with that skirt. It is super sassy!
