
Monday, October 20, 2014

Rhinebeck 2014

I took the trip up to Rhinebeck with my friend Maureen on Saturday.  I have been driving this route for several years...and somehow went a bit out of our way...we finally got back on track and it was only about a 20 minute delay...

The first barn we hit had Holiday Yarns in it....she was stocking Jesslu bags and Gnomespun Yarn and was swamped...

I got a Zombie's all about the zombies lately...

So now for some random pics of the festival...

Some of the animals..vicuna, alpaca and llamas were represented, as well as sheep...

That sheep is white, not yellow....hmmm..and I didn't seem to take any of the alpacas....

Boy with was trying to convince him to come back on Sunday...he was having none of it.

Maureen picked up two..I already have two, so resisted....

It was sheer craziness at Briar Rose and Jenny the Potter, which were next to each other...(and across from the baskets)

The only other lines we saw that were like that were Dragonfly Fibers in Cephalopod's old space, and Miss Babs, of course
....I have yarn from both so did not even browse...well maybe a bit at couldn't get near Miss Babs..and this was during the Rav meetup!

At the Rav meetup, I met Alana Dakos of Never Not Knitting, Coastal Knits and Botanical Knits...her Seedling was my first completed knit...sadly it was destroyed, but I plan on making it again..
More random pictures...

Kilts were seen..I spotted two....
Dan of Gnomespun also wears a kilt..but the booth was too crowded..I have pics from previous years..

I ran into my friend, Amy, from Ravelry outside the animal barn...
Some sheepskins were pet...and foliage enjoyed....

Then we made our way back...and went out the way we had came..stopping at Holiday Yarns once see the best t-shirt of the day...
And then you ask..what were the goodies I brought home....seriously not too much..those that know me...well...I went into both Stitches and Rhinebeck with the motto..if I have yarn by the company/person and I have not yet used it..I will not buy more....hence I didn't even stop at Into the Whirled, cuz I would have bought...

That's it folks!  The zombie bag...the skein in front is from Dancing Leaf Farm...and in colors I normally don't buy..they had it made up into a cowl...and so I got it...the three minis-skeins on the right...I am making something for those are some trial colors...I forgot where I got them..

The middle skein is from Mt. Rutsen Studio..and I liked the colors....and they were a local vendor

okay I slightly broke my rule for the four skeins on the left...they are a kit for this...
The Transitions shawl...I do have yarn from this company...Blue Ridge Yarn, that I haven't used..but I wanted the kit....

So I was really restrained....and in 2 weeks with NEFF, I will be restrained again...


  1. Wow - looks like an amazing day. Good friends, good yarns and beautifulo weather. Love the zombie bag : )

  2. So jealous! Love that basket. I would love it there, maybe next year!!
