
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Travel Tuesday - Weird/Crazy Layovers

I can't really say I've had any weird or crazy layovers, mainly because I tend to drive to my destinations, if I can...the only one that comes to mind was when I flew back from Yugoslavia in 1987...(before the civil war..I was actually in Croatia, but it was still all Yugoslavia at the time) any way I fell asleep at LaGuardia..and almost missed my connecting flight to Hartford...I made it though...

But I'm gonna talk about our "layover trip" to Chicago two summers ago..this was the trip with the nephew...We stopped outside of Chicago, in Indiana, and took the train into the city..we went to exactly two places...a yarn store and the original deep dish pizza place...and it was July 3 and pouring rain by the time we left....the fountain was outside of the train station, so we did also visit that on the way back to the train.

The wait at the pizza place was about an hour....

The yarn store was nice too...
Loopy Yarn, I blogged about it here


  1. That pizza looks AMAZING! So much tomato sauce! I wish all pizza had more sauce on.

  2. I would love to go to Chicago just for the pizza, is it really as amazing as they say? with an hour wait I would sure hope so!

    diana | life in German.
