
Friday, November 14, 2014

A Friday Finish

Not much of an exciting Friday sister asked me for fingerless mitts last year and I finally got around to making them...nothing fancy...She wanted black, but I found this yarn which has some shots of blue and grey in I used that...

They will be warm, as it's a chunky yarn.

I'm also wearing my Sockhead hat today...I showed it awhile ago, but it was way too big..I have since realized I am a loose I folded it and stuck a shawl pin in..what do you think?

It's a bit bulky on that side, but shrug it works....

So I'll be linking up with Chrisknits, Creative Friday and Wisdom in Wonder ....Have an awesome Friday...this weekend I plan to finish two pair of socks!  woo-hoo!


  1. I have been making lots of chunky things for Christmas presents, like those wrist warmers, things that are quick to knit up so that everyone can have at least something that is knitted! The hat looks lovely and slouchy and comfy x

  2. I just ripped out a hat last night that was almost done because it was too big! But being a little boy's hat, the shawl pin wouldn't have worked. LOL! Love the finishes!

  3. A very creative way to solve a problem. :-) It looks good. Regula

  4. I love the colors of the yarn you've used for your hat, just what you want on a chilly day :)

  5. Love the colour of the mitts. The hat looks good - slouchy hats are in! I cannot wear hats - they just look weird - so lucky you that is looks great.

  6. I'm a very loose knitter when it comes to ribbing. I was looking at the sock head thinking I should cast on less stitches when I make it. Especially with the 2x2 ribbing.
