
Monday, November 3, 2014

Fiber Festival of New England 2014

or NEFF, either way, it's the last fiber festival in these parts until Connecticut Sheep and Wool  in April.....lots of fun..the Hubs actually joined me...his first will be his last...he quickly got bored and went to the car to read....;)

Fun, friends, and fibery things make for a great was awful weather outside..and the festival seemed busier than in past years...

I came away with not too much...I've been very good the last couple of is what I got..
Wizard of Oz Jessalu bag....yes I needed another....colored alpaca from a favorite farm...I knew I was going to get some Police Box Blue from MadColor for a Bigger on the Inside shawl...and she just started self-striping..there were only 4 skeins left when I got there..glad I could snag one...and lastly I picked up some Iachos from A Hundred Moirae and Bearded Iris minis for a Leftie...I have been wanting to make a Leftie forever...but need to complete one of the 5 shawls in progress right now....

So the alpaca may have come from these girls...
Mark and Alisa are wonderful people...the farm is having a Holiday Day on Nov 29 Hopefully we'll make it this year...but they are across the state from us..(I know CT is very small, but still..)

There were also llamas and goats...

This guy was particularly majestic....he just lay if it were all beneath him..
There were polka-dot ones and one with some beautiful hairdos...
and then the yarnz....

and we gathered at Mad Color's booth at 1:00 for a Rav meeting, but forgot to take a picture...but here is her booth...
and there were braids and flats...not sure what those are called...

There was spinning happening...

and kilt wearing...I spied two...
oh and bunnies trying to leap out of cages...

And gorgeous completed things....

It was a pretty good day.....


  1. Oh what a feast for the eye, so many gorgeous things! You must've had so much fun.. I wish we had festivals like that.. Anyway thanks for sharing all those wonderful pictures!!

  2. Thanks for sharing photos, I wasn't able to make it to the festival this year, so it's nice to see!
