
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Stitch Along Wednesday

So Tami has not posted in 5 weeks....I'm hoping everything is okay..but I'm going to provide a linkup until she gets back..I didn't want to take her name, so I went with Stitch Along....Anyone can link up, regardless of the type of here goes mine...I've worked on several things this week....

Yesterday, I came home from a workshop and was able to sit on my front porch swing and knitted a New England in November...very unusual....we've had a cycle of warm weather, cold weather hitting us...cold weather comes back on Thursday.....
I also alternated this sock, Do Zombies Skype?,  with another this past weekend....
Last night I worked on it some more and got to about 3/4 of the leg done...

The other socks are my Girl on Fire socks that I need to finish for the Mockinjay movie release...

Also night I also worked on my Turtleneck Capelet....I am to the turtleneck section, another couple hours and it'll be done...maybe for Friday...
Sorry, kinda blurry....

Yesterday I had a workshop and took my Outlander cowl along...yep, put in two stitches and then was busy to the end of the workshop...

I am also kind of scattered with my reading...I'm alternating between a couple of books right now...

So what are you working on now???  Please link up below..

1 comment:

  1. Nice projects and I luv the caplet colors ! Thanks for allowing us to do the Linky from your page. I'll put you on my blogroll now. Don't think I didn't notice that mustard color nail polish because I did. Nice.
