
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day 2014

So this week, around the world, people give thanks to the many veterans who have put their lives on the line to ensure freedom for others....we should all say thank you...

I am proud to say that my family has had many veterans.  The first one I know about is my great-great grandfather on my paternal side.  His name was Daniel Scoville and he served during The Spanish-American War, in the Navy.

My great-grandfather (maternal), Francois Martin,  served during World War I

 My Pépé, Joseph LaChappelle, served during World War II, although I have no pictures.

My father served in the 25th Infantry during the Vietnam War
my father was very conflicted about his time in Vietnam, and it added to his demons. My mother says, he came back a changed man.  I would think most veterans who have served in combat did come back could you not?

My uncle made a career in the Marines..he retired awhile back...
My cousin, also made a career, but in the Army.  Both he and his wife served.

My brother also served.  He was in the Army during The Persian Gulf, but he was never sent to combat.
My sister served in the National Guard, my brother-in-law in the Navy..and it goes on and on....if we didn't have these people willing to put their lives on the line...we may not have our freedom...thank a vet a grateful that they were willing.....

1 comment:

  1. I remember you telling me about these fine men when I met you. You must be so proud. It is nice to see their faces.
