
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Stitch Along Wednesday - The Future

So, when Tami stopped posting WIP Wednesday and FO Friday in September, many of us were at a loss.  So I figured I'd do a link party and then Chrisknits also was doing one (and I found another one)...and we decided to split it...I'd do Wednesday and she'd do Fridays...well there has not been much interest....I did get in touch with Tami and tell her we were doing them and she said she didn't know when she would ever get back to them and kind of gave her blessing...

I know there are other link parties out there...I link to a couple, but I find that their links don't go up early enough for me...and I cannot go on during work and link up...and by the time I get home it just didn't seem worth it...

So I'm asking, is there still an interest in carrying on the link-ups Tami started (and by the way, I am also a Tammy!)..if so I will upgrade the links...if not I'll just stop....

I am going to try and let the last people who linked up with Tami know about this one..some people are still just linking to her blog and the last post was on September 24....if you know of anyone who linked up there, please spread the word.....and Chris stopped because of lack of participation, but if there is an interest..I'll provide the for the last Stitch Along Wednesday of 2014...please let me know in the comments what you think...I turn off moderation for Wednesdays...
(update:  I did send some messages, if I could find a Ravelry link on the page.  I didn't want to leave comments on everyone's blog about this, as I didn't want to come off as a troll...)

Seriously, if someone else wants to take over, I have no issue with that...I just want it continued and early enough that I can link (for me that would be 7 AM EST or earlier) Also I am not on Twitter or Google+, but am on Instagram and Tumblr (still figuring this one out) if you can help spread the word, much appreciated...

So onto my Stitch Along Wednesday update: 

On Tuesday I worked on some socks....I worked on my H's Everyday about half way down the leg....then decided I needed to work on my Rolling in the Deep.....and I frogged those and restarted them 4 times!!!!!  before they were working out...that's okay..I was watching The Walking Dead Marathon.....
It's dark here, but the RITD socks are a deep purple with a green and orange stripe....I love the colors!  They are from Quaere Fibre...the orange is an Opal...

I decided to add what I'm reading...this is a memoir based in Hartford, CT.  It's about the author growing up in the 40's and 50's and when there was a serial killer prowling her neighborhood.  I love her style of's like she's having a conversation with you....


  1. I like the idea of coming in to a place for all this...but I rarely get a Wednesday post in and I have FO Friday posts when I actually finish something...

  2. I'll link with anyone that's running this type of thing but I'm not sure about running one myself.

  3. I'll do one for Friday too, unless someone else wants to run it....although still not a huge response, since it is a holiday...I will give it another week or so and see how it goes...

  4. Hi Tammy,
    I'm definitely interested in linking up! I try to get a WIP Wednesday post in each week and can link up with you.

    For next week's WIP Wednesday post, would you mind if I pulled a little text from your post this week (I'll link back and quote you, of course) to help spread the word a bit about your link up host?
    Thanks for reviving this!
    Jenna :)

  5. Sure you can quote from the post...anyone who wants to spread the word, go ahead and use this post...

  6. I will always post when I can, so if you are amiable to doing it, I will be here. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I spent Tuesday and Wednesday at all day wrestling matches. I didn't even know I was doing this until Monday night and had no time to prepare a post.

  7. I really like the idea. Unfortunatelly, I have been so busy in school that I hardly found the time to do anything. I'll try to be better .... Regula
